Факап с апдейтом win10 и WINRE

ere is a fix I just verified from Microsoft resources and guaranteed it works.

First of all:


In the Windows search,

Search for Windows Powershell, right-click it and choose run as administrator.

Next, execute this command:

set-executionpolicy remotesigned

Afterwards, select Yes to All when prompted. Keep the Window open.


Download this script.


Make two folders on your C drive root, with names 1 and 2, so their paths are as follows:



Paste the script file you downloaded into folder 1.

In the Powershell window, navigate to the C drive folder and enter this command:

cd C:\1

This will ensure the folder which contains the script is selected. Now, we need to run the script, which increases the size of WinRE. For that, run the following command:


After that, press Y to confirm running the script.


  • zip 1
    Дата добавления: 27.02.2024 22:19 Размер файла: 5 КБ Кол-во скачиваний: 86

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